Sunday, October 13, 2013

the Bride

So here's the thought process.  The prompt is tall and thin; dress, risque; human female (that makes the dress a little better :); accessory: shield.  Woman with a shield automatically conjures valkyrie in my noodle.  Shield maiden of Rohan stuff.  So a tall one.  That jives.  Scandiwegians are tall.  But...

i start having this whole To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street thing go on.  That can't be my story, that's but a start...  who says i can only draw one character?  So who else is tall and thin?  Carries a shield?  Aha!  Where's it written that only Titanic Teutons can play valkyrie?  What if every culture had choosers for the heroes of the dead?  Then as i was drawing these ladies... far too exaggerated, yes, i know... i started thinking of verses from Song of Solomon, dark but lovely, neck like a tower.  All this is bride of Christ metaphors and the Church is the bride, full armor of God...and voila... you get this.  Whatever this is.

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