“33 But a certain Samaritan
who was traveling came up to him and, when he saw him, had compassion. 34 And he came up and
bandaged his wounds, pouring on olive oil and wine, and he put him on his own
animal and brought him to an inn and took care of him.” (Luke 10)
it be cool if every post I write could explode from a profound, earth
shattering, inspirational thought?
Yeah, that’d be sweet.
Alas, tis not to be. Tis
not the life of a biblical illustrator.
For you see, Jesus seems to like things simple.
“21 At that same time he
rejoiced in the Holy Spirit and said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and
earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and intelligent and have
revealed them to young children. Yes, Father, for this was pleasing before
you.” (Luke 10)
a little godly wisdom lately? Been
feeling pretty smart? Hmmm? Well, good! Great even! A
gift not to be despised but keep this in mind… “26 For consider your
calling, brothers, that not many were wise according to human standards, not
many were powerful, not many were well born. 27 But the foolish things
of the world God chose in order that he might put to shame the wise, and the
weak things of the world God chose in order that he might put to shame the
strong,” (1Cor 1) So pack the pride away and boast
in the Lord, for any wisdom we can boast to isn’t ours and God is apparently
speaking to us in small words.
as humbling as accurate assessments of our academic acumen by our loving Father
in Heaven are, they are nothing when compared to today’s grand thought! Are you ready? Are you prepared for this shocking
revelation? No, you’re not but get
ready to kiss your crash test dummy butt on the cheek cause here it comes!
you meet, everyone in your home, neighborhood, commute, store, place of
business, place of worship, public place of ease, on the train, on the plane,
on the stairs, on the stoop, on the street, on the news, everyone in your bed
this morning, everyone in the bar last night, everyone, everyone, everyone is
know, right? Thunderbolt out of
the blue, isn’t it? As it’s Monday
and I am not wise nor am I intelligent on the best of days, I’ll explain a
little, y’know, for Justin Case.
this doesn’t mean is everyone is god.
The briefest inspection of the nosepicker next to you should be enough
to verify that casual observation as solid fact. Every word you hear today will not be divinely inspired. Thank God! You may meet many people who think or function as if they
are god, but they are astoundingly mistaken.
it does mean is more along the lines of what my old partner the Duke of Fluke
used to mean when he’d get up right in your face, go slightly cross-eyed and
say, “You mess with my family, you mess with me!” Or as King David said, “4 Against you, only you,
I have sinned
and have done this evil in your eyes,
so that you are correct
when you speak,
you are blameless when you judge.” (Ps 51) Now David had had a guy killed after knocking up
his wife. I’d say, if we asked
Uriah, he’d feel pretty sinned against.
And David would not disagree.
But David knew a thing or two about sin and more importantly, he knew
we sin against any child of God’s, anyone made in His image, He takes it
personally. An attack on the
King’s image, the King’s man, the King’s woman, is the same as an attack on the
King himself! No wonder anyone
calling his brother a fool is in danger of hell fire. We read and wonder at the temerity of the Pharisees in
mocking Jesus. We have done far,
far worse! It is only by the grace
of God, the long suffering of Jesus, the immense love the Father has for us
that we haven’t shared the fate of Korah. (Num 16)
to deny succor to a servant of the King is to deny succor to the King. Yahweh owns the cattle on a thousand
hills but He has lent them to his servants. He has leased them to us. And He has certain standards for how they should be
stewarded. When we are fearful,
selfish or stingy with them, we deny how gracious, loving and open He has been
with us! Likewise, when our
fearful, selfish, stingy hearts are forced open by the sweet love of Jesus;
when we give all away to those in need; when we share what we have, our time,
our resources, our skills and wisdom with the least of these children of our
Heavenly Father He not only sees and knows but takes it as if we have done it
for God Himself!
this is literal, as in Genesis 18 or as Hebrews 2 and all four gospels
show. And we could leave it there
as a parable to keep us guessing as to who might be Jesus in disguise so as to
ensure our hospitality and moral behavior. But that would miss the muchly, much-much more exciting
of these verses, Matthew 25 and so many more try and show us that this Jesus of
ours, so identifies himself with the needy, with the lowly, with the
undeserving, the incapable and the unfortunate, the inept, the alien, the
sojourner, the mourner, the forsaken, the forgotten, the disenfranchised, the
disabled, the dependant, the depraved, the poor in spirit, the poor in pocket
and with the pooh bears of very little brain; in other words, Jesus so
identifies with US, that we know, we KNOW we never, NEVER suffer alone!
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