“22 But Judah did evil in
the eyes of Yahweh, and they annoyed him more than their fathers did with their
sins that they had committed. 23 They also built for themselves high
places and stone pillars and sacred poles on every high hill and under every
green tree.”
(1Kgs 14)
Americans have idols? I know we
have the teevee show. The irony of
that is thicker than Dr. Moriarty winking at Sherlock. But do we have idols? I know the vast majority of us claim to
believe in God and a large number still count themselves as Christians.
what do we worship? Really?
“21 For although they knew
God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in
their reasoning, and their senseless hearts were darkened. 22 Claiming to be wise,
they became fools, 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God
with the likeness of an image of mortal human beings and birds and quadrupeds
and reptiles.
24 Therefore God gave them
over in the desires of their hearts to immorality, that their bodies would be dishonored
among themselves, 25 who exchanged the truth of God with a lie, and
worshiped and served the creation rather than the Creator, who is blessed for
eternity. Amen.” (Rom 1)
have made the connection between addiction and idol worship. If the worship of idols is the worship
of demons (Deut 32, Rev 9) and the goal of demons is our utter destruction
(Job, Luke 22, 1Pet 5) then how easy it is to see among the possessed? Those who have been absorbed by what
they once controlled. Those who
are mastered by a created thing, alcohol, drugs, sex, fame, greed, a hopeless
relationship until it obliterates every last vestige of their humanity. Like a train wreck in slow motion we
can watch in horror as they come undone, piece by obvious piece. But did these people really worship
alcohol? Did they really worship
money? Or was that only the means
by which they worshiped? Was that
only the ceremony in the temple of their god?
C.S. Lewis’ Screwtape Letters, the devils muse how in days of old, they went
around in more or less their true forms.
They could reveal their existence to man, maybe lie about their
intentions but more or less play in plain sight. But now, Screwtape chuckles, the greatest trick Satan ever
played was convincing man he doesn’t exist. The industrial revolution and the age of enlightenment
killed not only God but Satan too.
There is no evil, only diseases to be cured. Hitler and Stalin and Mao and serial killers are just
sick. There’s something wrong with
them, a chemical imbalance perhaps.
Poor upbringing. A
traumatic childhood. Maybe they
were bullied. There is no sin,
only undesirable behaviors and emotional conditions to be treated. The gang rape in India is only a sign
of societal deficiencies. The men involved
were poorly educated in the value of womanhood and the sanctity of human life.
if humans are so good by nature, why do we need so much education in basic
human principles of decency and respect?
Why does all of our post apocalyptic fiction show men reverting to
animals? Why are we less disposed
to do what is right when no one is watching? Why does a crowd become a mob? Why do ordinary people in mobs commit violence and
theft? Why do the strong prey upon
the weak? Why do women and
children need protecting at all?
may hide. Sin may lurk invisible
for long periods. But idols, idols
want a position of prominence.
Idols want to be worshiped.
Our idols are hidden in the best place to hide. Plain sight.
was the first sin? Who was the
first sinner?
“12 How you have fallen
from heaven, morning star, son of dawn!
are cut down to the ground, conqueror of nations!
13 And you yourself said
in your heart,
will ascend to heaven;
will raise up my throne above the stars of God;
I will sit on the mountain of assembly
the summit of Zaphon;
14 I will ascend to the
high places of the clouds,
will make myself like the Most High.’” (Is 14)
was the first one to close his fist and shake it at God. To declare himself Satan, the
Adversary. The first one among
creation to quit worshiping his Creator, to stop saying “Thy Will be done,” and
first dare to utter, “My will be done!”
He declared himself “God” and as such he wanted to be worshiped. Worshipers being in short supply and he
not having the knack of creating, he became a thief and stole God’s worshipers,
God’s children. Just as God made
us in His image Satan corrupted us to fit his own.
“4 But the serpent said to
the woman, “You shall not surely die. 5 For God knows that on
the day you both eat from it, then your eyes will be opened and you both shall
be like gods, knowing good and evil.” 6 When the woman saw that
the tree was good for food and that it was a delight to the eyes, and the tree
was desirable to make one wise, then she took from its fruit and she ate.” (Gen
3) When She saw. When it delighted Her eyes. It would make Her wise. She decided. She took. She
ate. She gave it to her husband to
make him like Her.
Christian who has taken the next step, who has seen that not only is addiction
an idol and idols demonic, will soon see they are addicted to sin itself. They may not have the all consuming
fire of alcoholism or greed destroying their lives but they see the little
fires scattered here and there, a sharp tongue, impatience, people pleasing,
religion. If they make a point of
trying to stamp these out, they will soon make it a career. For these are not separate fires. They are fumaroles.
the surface lies a magma pit waiting to erupt….
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