“37 And as he was speaking,
a Pharisee asked him to have a meal with him, and he went in and reclined at
table. 38 And the Pharisee, when he saw it, was astonished that he
did not first wash before the meal.” (Luke 11)
I was a kid we had dinner. An ancient
custom, it was a meal, laid out at a table, a table in a room with no TV in it,
which we would as a family sit down to at the same time. Once seated, prior to grabbing our
grubby little paws to pray, one or both of my parents would invariably ask,
“Did you wash your hands?” It’s a
good thing for my folks that as a child I wasn’t familiar with this verse from
Luke. They could have expected a
steady dose of, “first wash the inside of the cup, Mom, and then the outside
will be clean also.” If I had been
a better Bible scholar I could have quoted Matthew fifteen, “11 It is not what goes
into the mouth that defiles a person, dad, but what comes out of the mouth—this
defiles a person.” I’m sure my folks would
have corrected my theology promptly by pointing out what was issuing from my
mouth was anything but a blessing but it would have been fun right up until
a boy growing up with his head full of cartoons, I usually forgot the niceties
of life. For many reasons I’m
pretty sure this was not Jesus’ problem.
I can say with reasonable confidence Jesus didn’t forget to wash his
hands. For starters, he didn’t
have cartoons. Secondly, ancient
Middle Eastern cultures did not use silverware. They ate with their hands from a common bowl. They did not cut the bread; they broke
it, with their hands. This may not
seem like a big deal to you but remember; this was before paper had made its
way from China to the west. No
paper, no toilet paper. According
to Wikipedia… “In Ancient Rome, a sponge on a stick was
commonly used, and, after usage, placed back in a bucket of saltwater. Several
talmudic sources indicating ancient Jewish practice refer to the use of small
pebbles, often carried in a special bag, and also to the use of dry grass and
of the smooth edges of broken pottery jugs (e.g., Shabbat 81a, 82a, Yevamot
59b). These are all cited in the classic Biblical and Talmudic Medicine by the
German physician Julius Preuss (Eng. trans. Sanhedrin Press, 1978).” Boy, am I glad small pebbles and broken pottery
didn’t catch on!
sheer scintillating joys of learning about ancient toiletries aside, all that
is to say, you can bet little Jewish boys were taught to wash their hands with
even more militant enthusiasm than little americkish boys. In a culture of “cleanness” I would
even venture to guess Jesus would connect good manners and hygiene as a guest
with honoring not only his host but his own Father and Mother as well.
if it wasn’t an accident, why did Jesus intentionally dis his Mother, his
Father and his host by not washing his hands?
he loved the Pharisees and scribes too.
This may not be readily apparent to us, especially those of us who cling
to the Nice Jesus. The
lamb-hugging, blue-eyed, fair skinned, blow dried, soft-focus Jesus. Cabbage Patch Jesus. That image always jars me like pictures
of Eor the donkey smiling. It just
ain’t right. It doesn’t fit with
cleansing-the-temple Jesus or Revelations 19 Jesus. In Luke twelve Jesus says he has come to kindle a fire on
the earth. In Matthew ten he says,
“34 “Do
not think that I have come to bring peace on the earth! I have not come to
bring peace, but a sword.” Does Jesus hug
his lambs, heavens yes! And it’s
there, in his embrace, you will quickly learn something… Jesus isn’t always
comfortable! He doesn’t
immediately feel safe! Lambs don’t
feel safe in the arms of lions.
But if you cleave to him long enough you will learn like the psalmist,
“5 For Yahweh is good; his
loyal love is forever,
his faithfulness is from generation to generation.” (Ps 100)
I humbly offer our verse from Luke as proof. Jesus doesn’t wash his hands on purpose precisely because he
knows it will provoke the Pharisees!
What justshane? Are you
saying Love provokes? Love
confronts? Yes, yes I
am…sometimes. When necessary.
Why? How can love be confrontational? How can confrontation be necessary?
hear of an intervention?
Precisely. A father who
sees his son getting ready to do something astoundingly, bone-snappingly
stupid, confronts him, opposes the child’s will, possibly even violates the
child’s rights to restrain them.
Not in anger, not from hatred or meanness or selfishness but from love! From a desire to see the child safe and
healthy and whole. The level of
violence this intervention includes will depend greatly on whether the child
acts in ignorance but is humble and teachable or whether the child is
belligerent and willfully disobedient to the Father.
is the Savior. But what if people
don’t think they need saving? What
if you lived in a culture where people called evil good and good evil? What if you lived in a culture where
everyone did what was right in his or her own eyes? What if you had to convince people of sin in the first
place? A place where the only law
was defined by the great theologian Cheryl Crow, “If it makes you happy, it
can’t be that bad.” Or what if you
lived in a society like the Pharisees, where if it makes you happy, it must be
you might have to poke people in the chest a little. No one but no one kept the law better than the
Pharisees. In fact, the Law was
for sissies, mere minimum requirements!
Phaugh! They piled
traditions on top of the Law of Moses to make sure you couldn’t even get close
to breaking the Law. If Moses
said, “dunk yer head, twice a day,” the Pharisee dunked his head twice and
hour! No one was going to out
righteous them! When it came to
keeping commandments and statutes and regulations, they were the bomb! They were the first string. They were the A-team.
Jesus… He shows them, they completely missed the commandment.
“15 “See, I am setting before
you today life and prosperity and death and disaster; 16 what I am commanding
you today is to love Yahweh your God by going in his ways and by keeping his
commandments and his statutes and his regulations, and then you will live, and
you will become numerous, and Yahweh your God will bless you in the land where
you are going.” (Deut 30)
you see it? If not, don’t worry,
neither did the Pharisees. Lord
willing, I’ll show it to you tomorrow.
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